Whenever I make a plan, the Universe makes another.

Not to go against my plans, but to intensify my learning.

So, I decided to open Davies Education some time ago.  It’s been a dream for many years, but the picture of how it was going to look kept changing.

Finally, it came to me and I loved it.  My plan was to start my son in Grade 2 and use that time to launch and iron out all the kinks before beginning our own home schooling journey.

However, a late start due to surgery and a scarring six days of a new class later, it turns out that I was meant to start the home schooling journey with my son first.

Then business…

This has taught me these top 20 things you need to know when home schooling:

  1. Release all expectations
  2. De-programming is really a thing
  3. Learning through strengths and interests is again a reinforced belief for me as a teacher and now as a parent – it’s just the structure that changes
  4. Be kind to yourself
  5. More support is always better, but it can still done with less
  6. Everything becomes ‘teamwork’
  7. Reflection is a key component for all learning
  8. Children can wake you with an in-depth conversation about the social and economic structures of Minecraft and it’s impacts on future generational growth at 1:30am and not wear themselves out until you inexplicably fall asleep at approximately 3am with them still talking
  9. ‘Have a go’ – is always the best goal for the day
  10. Children can wake up at 6am holding a grudge about you inexplicably falling asleep mid-in-depth conversation at 3am
  11. No home schooling journey is the same – just as no child is the same
  12. There is no space for comparison, only space for new ideas
  13. A plan is not a script, it just demonstrates that you’ve thought about how the learning may happen
  14. Journals and diaries are your saviour
  15. Neurodiversity makes the journey more interesting and the challenges more rewarding
  16. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way, only what does or doesn’t work for you and your child
  17. Everything is a potential resource or learning experience
  18. Being a ‘life-long learner’ is best cultivated by example
  19. There is always time to ‘have a go’ another day

And did I say…20. Never underestimate yourself or your child?

Most importantly, get ready to be surprised every day.  When you come from a place of love and openness, you can’t go wrong.








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